Art Print – “7.62×39”

Weigold Photography is pleased to introduce our latest art print titled “7.62×39”!  This image is currently available in several sizes and customization is available.  Please select a standard size below, or contact us for customization options at

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Upcoming Photography Classes

The next round of photography classes offered by Weigold Photography is coming soon!   The next session of the Kid’s Digital Photography course starts May 9, 2012 for four weeks from 4:30pm to 6pm.   The next session of the adult Digital Photography course starts May 15, 2012 and is offered from 2:30-4:30pm and from 6pm-8pm.   For more information or to register for any of these classes, please call the Arts Center, or visit their website!

Experimenting with Expose to the Right (ETTR)

We’ve been experimenting with a concept called ETTR (Expose to the right) which is where an image is exposed so as to be weighted toward the right of the histogram (essentially overexposed in a traditional sense) in an attempt to improve signal to noise ratio and optimize dynamic range. We want to run a bunch more experiments before passing judgement, but here’s a sample from today.


When captured, this image was on the order of 1.5 stops overexposed. Don’t know about you, but we like it 😀


Photographing the art of Jack Howard

Jack Howard is known in the southwest Ohio area and abroad for what he describes on his business cards as “Distinctive Architectural Renderings”.  We certainly agree!  His work was recently featured in an exhibit at the Middletown Arts Center, and we had the good fortune of meeting Jack as well as being the event photographer for the opening reception.   Even more recently Jack asked us to help him obtain some high quality images of his work.   We won’t share the secret why, but there are apparently some exciting things coming up for Jack!  We wish him the best of luck.

Since we regularly encounter people wishing to photograph their own artwork (and often provide that as a service), we thought we might show off a few behind the scenes shots of the project.    Please be sure to look through the gallery below.    For the benefit of our students, some thoughts on the setup:

– We have dual Alien Bees 800 w/s strobes set at about 1/4 power.  Placed at 45 degree angles to the artwork and with the light head level with the art.  This setup allows us to photograph the art without getting glare from the glass as the glass reflection bounces off at the same angle it hit.   The distance to the artwork isn’t critical, but should generally be about the same distance as the camera.   In this setup, it was 6ft or so.  The distance does affect the chosen power setting on the strobes though.  We adjust power and distance based on our choice of f-stop below.  Care does need to be taken to ensure that the flash does not generate other reflections that could be problematic.   Note the black drape on the tripod.  The flashes caused a reflection off the aluminum leg which was visible in the glass of the artwork.    This could have potentially been solved at least some by moving the flashes further behind the position of the tripod but given the color of the walls, we felt that we’d still potentially have troublesome reflections and opted for the black cloth.   Softboxes on the strobes or a black flag between the strobe and the tripod also may have helped.

– Camera is positioned to provide an 80mm focal length on a DX sensor, equating to about a 35mm equivalent of 120mm based on the lens we were using.  We chose that focal length predominantly because it’s in the range of focal length that provides a minimum of distortion to the image while still allowing a camera position that worked well in the work area.   The focal length discussion is beyond the scope of this post, but feel free to Google “focal length for portraits” and read away.  Yes, I know we are photographing art.   The same distortion physics apply.  In art though an improper focal length tends to curve the straight lines in the image.  Yes, such problems can be fixed in post-production, but we strive to get the image correct in the camera and use post-production for fixing things generally beyond the control of the camera.  You’ll also note the slight downward angle of the camera.  This compensates for the angle of the artwork caused by the easel and allows the image plane to be parallel to the artwork preventing distortion.   Proper camera position is easily verified in the viewfinder in that if set correctly, the edges of rectangular framed art should be straight (not curved) and parallel to the edges of the viewfinder on all sides.

– 1/160 shutter, f6.3.  RAW.  ISO100. 10MP.  Aperture chosen to avoid an overly narrow depth of field.    Occasionally when photographing art or documents, usually as part of a restoration, we have the luxury of a nice flat image which works well with a shallow depth of field.   Unfortunately, when shooting art on flexible media, matted and  framed behind glass, the surface of the art is often not flat.  Thus, a slightly larger depth of field ensures that the entire piece is in focus.  You could very easily debate the appropriate f-stop ad-nauseum, but we’ve found that a setting around 6 gives us a nice trade off between the depth of field and the required amount of lighting.  ISO100 for the best quality the camera can provide and 10MP for the max resolution.   Remember, you can always take pixels away, but you can never add them back.

We shot on a 2 second timer so as to make totally sure there were no focus issues from camera shake and included the gray card in shots numerous times so we had plenty of points of reference for color correction.   Camera white balance was set to a “stock” flash correction.  Our camera does have the capability of custom white balance and we could have put that to use, but after testing we’ve found we get better results with color correction in post, so that’s one of the few post-processing steps we do.  The other is crop, since the artwork aspect ratio almost never matches the camera aspect ratio.

We hope you found our “photo-geek” dissertation useful!  Questions and comments are welcome! –

Middletown Art Center Christmas Event

We hope you got a chance to join us in enjoying the art, demonstrations and visit with the Jolly One at the Middletown Art Center this past weekend.  If you didn’t, be sure to check out all the images we captured!

20111203 MAC Pictures with Santa

Images with the Jolly One at the Middletown Art Center Christmas event

20111203 MAC Christmas Event

Images from the art show and artist demonstrations at the Middletown Art Center Christmas Event

Middletown Santa Parade 2011

Weigold Photography was pleased to be in attendance at the 2o11 Middletown Santa Parade.  We captured both candids during the parade as well as pictures with the Jolly One in Governor’s Square after the parade.  Please note, the commemorative border around the pictures with Santa is only available in the 5×7 size.  Images ordered in other sizes will receive prints without the border.  5×7 images may also be purchased without the border if desired.  If so, please add those instructions to your order at check out.

  • 20090314 SOCCS Round 1 Race 5C
20111126 Middletown Pictures with Santa

Pictures with Santa at the Middletown Santa Parade - November 26, 2011

20111126 Middletown Santa Parade

Middletown Santa Parade - November 26, 2011

Jack Howard Reception at MAC

We had the priviledge of being present for the opening reception of the Jack Howard Reunion Exhibit at the Middletown Art Center and got an awesome collection of images:

  • 20090314 SOCCS Round 1 Favorites
20111104 Howard Reception - Art

Jack Howard reception at MAC - Images of the art

20111104 Howard Reception - Guests

Jack Howard reception at MAC - Guests of the event

20111104 Howard Reception - Guests and Art

Jack Howard reception at MAC - Guests admiring the art

20111104 Howard Reception - Jack

Jack Howard reception at MAC - Jack mingling with guests

20111104 Howard Reception - Jack Posed

Jack Howard reception at MAC - Jack posed for the camera

Sporting Events Gallery

Thanks for taking the time to look through our Sporting Events Gallery.   Here you can browse through the images at your leisure.    For more information on our Sporting Events services, please visit our Sporting Events Page, or for a quote on your specific requirements, please visit our contact page.